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Meet Erin

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Hi, I'm Erin,

Founder, Lightworker Academy

I’ve been a psychic medium since I was a little girl. Of course, I didn’t know those words then. I will forever remember the first time I heard a voice – it was a deep man’s voice and he spoke to me using my name. Well, my three-year-old legs ran as fast as they could to my mother, screaming the entire way. As time went on, I became accustomed to this voice, and just accepted it as “normal." It would be almost two decades later before I realized it was my Spirit Guide’s voice!  


My sense of “knowing” and dreams that would “come true” were again, “normal” for me. I had no idea that this was an ability that everyone didn’t have. It was maybe around the age of ten or eleven that I would learn from friends that this wasn’t the case.


My passion for learning, combined with my desire to explore everything metaphysical, spiritual or holistic has led me on a fantastic journey of studies over the past 50 years...from aromatherapy to zen! Some of my achievements:  Tarot 40+ years, Certified Psychic Medium, Certified Lightworker, Reiki Master (RMT),  Master Level Seichim, Master Level Shamballah, Certified Hypnosis, Certified Angel Card Reader,  Board Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP,  Psychic Development Mentor, Spiritual Coach and Speaker.  I continue my academic studies to this day, for we can never know everything there is to know!


Though I had being doing readings for friends and family since I was young, I transformed into a Professional Reader just over 20 years ago. As my skills and abilities increased, I would offer these to my clients. Readings,  Reiki, workshops, galleries, expos and speaking engagements, and spiritual coaching.  


More and more clients were asking me to teach them, and so I began my path as a mentor & coach. Why? Because they had no one to turn to!  Like me when I was growing up, they had no one to educate, guide or talk to about metaphysical, spiritual, or holistic topics. They wanted to understand why they would “hear” or “see” or “feel” things.  They wanted to know what it meant. They wanted to know how to use it and mostly how to be in control of it. They wanted to know how to use modalities and techniques to improve their lives. They wanted a safe space to learn, grow, and evolve.


I fully understood this! Growing up, I had no one to teach me. Through trial and error, I would discover, develop and fine tune my abilities on my own. It wasn’t until the late 1980’s that the “New Age” door would open in the World. I also realized that the World had changed: It went from NO information to a glut of information! Unfortunately, the “glut” meant that you were on your own to decipher what was real versus false. 


One day, in March of 2020, I was chatting with my “crew” (I refer to my Spirit Guides, Angels & Guardians as my Spiritual Crew). I was asking for guidance regarding my next step. I clearly heard “It is Time." Having no idea what that meant, I replied “More specific please!” 


My crew brought to me the understanding that it was time to step into Light fully and honor what I had charted. I was shown how my journey, my lifelong experiences, my academic studies and my abilities brought me to this moment. How I went from having to learn, develop and gain understanding on my own – to – all of the knowledge and additional modalities I devoted my life to learning.  


The outcome of this conversation? Within 36 hours, the Lightworker Academy (aka Lightworker Development School originally)was born. A safe space for Empaths, Healers, Lightworkers, and Seekers to learn, grow, and evolve with someone who understands where you are, what you need to learn, and guide you to embrace YOUR life path & purpose.


I hope I will have the honor of journeying with you.


Love, Light & Blessings,


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I invite you to connect with me 

Come join us - private Lightworker community.

My credentials include:

Founder, the Lightworker Academy

Psychic Development Mentor

Spiritual Coach

Certified Quantum Coach

Clinical Hynotherapist

NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming)

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

Usui Reiki Master

Holy Light Intuitive Healing Level 3

Studied with Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine

Studied with Dean Graziosi 

Studied with Tony Robbins

Studied with Michael Stevenson 

Studied at University of Sedona - University of Metaphysics

Founding Member - Light Miracle Network / LMN

Founding Partner - CTC / Coach Talk Cafe 

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